Overcoming those technical difficulties, the number of validly named species within the genus dramatically increased from a single species, G. Geodermatophilus was historically poorly studied due to difficulties in culturing novel isolates ( Urzì et al., 2004). The family accommodates the genera Blastococcus ( Ahrens and Moll, 1970 Skerman et al., 1980 Hezbri et al., 2016b), Modestobacter ( Mevs et al., 2000) and the type genus Geodermatophilus ( Luedemann, 1968 Skerman et al., 1980). (1997), formally described by Normand (2006) and later emended by Zhi et al. (1996), although no type genus was designated at that time, confirmed later by Stackebrandt et al. The order Geodermatophilales ( Sen et al., 2014) comprises the sole family Geodermatophilaceae, which was initially proposed by Normand et al. Our study again demonstrates that the principles of phylogenetic systematics can and should guide the interpretation of both genomic and phenotypic data. Emended descriptions of all species of Geodermatophilaceae are provided for which type-strain genome sequences are publicly available. and harboring four species formerly assigned to Geodermatophilus, G. We thus propose a novel genus, Klenkia, with the type species Klenkia marina sp. In contrast to previous studies, we also address which of these features can be interpreted as apomorphies of which taxon, according to the principles of phylogenetic systematics. Taxonomic markers such as polar lipids and fatty-acids profile, cellular features and temperature ranges are indeed heterogeneous within Geodermatophilus. The results indicated that the largest genus, Geodermatophilus, is not monophyletic, hence the arrangement of the genera of Geodermatophilaceae must be reconsidered. In conjunction with the taxonomic characterisation of a motile and aerobic strain, designated YIM M13156 T and phylogenetically located within the family, we here carried out a phylogenetic analysis of the genome sequences now available for the type strains of Geodermatophilaceae and re-analyzed the previously assembled phenotypic data. Clarifying the evolutionary history of Geodermatophilaceae was so far mainly hampered by the insufficient resolution of the main phylogenetic marker in use, the 16S rRNA gene. Geodermatophilaceae (order Geodermatophilales, class Actinobacteria) form a comparatively isolated family within the phylum Actinobacteria and harbor many strains adapted to extreme ecological niches and tolerant against reactive oxygen species. 6Department of Energy, Joint Genome Institute, Walnut Creek, CA, United States.5Central Facility for Microscopy, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany.4Department of Biotechnology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.3State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Resources, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.2Leibniz Institute, German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, Braunschweig, Germany.1School of Biology, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.Kyrpides 6, Peter Schumann 2, Wen-Jun Li 3* and Markus Göker 2* Meier-Kolthoff 2, Dao-Feng Zhang 3, Adnan Yaramis 1,4, Manfred Rohde 5, Tanja Woyke 6, Nikos C. Maria del Carmen Montero-Calasanz 1,2*, Jan P.